Introducing Shiny Apps in My Blog Posts

I love shiny apps written in R! They are an absolutely fantastic way to make your code immediately useful to others (and to increase productivity for yourself). This post is a quick test to see how easy it is to implement shiny apps on this website (which is written with blogdown in R).

I followed a simple description of the process i found online.

Here is the code I will use in blogdown to embed the app, which is published (at no cost) on

<iframe height="800" width="100%" frameborder="no" src=""> </iframe>

And here is the actual embedding of the shiny app, a tiny tool for adding/removing quotes from string lists that I’ve been meaning to make for a long time:

And finally, here is the code for the app (basically a quick regexp hack):

Maximilian JLJ Fürst
Maximilian JLJ Fürst
Assistant Professor of Computational Protein Design

I research computational protein design and high-throughput protein engineering.
